Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.(Hab 3:17-18)
There is a tendency of a que sera, sera attitude in the body of Christ. We attribute everything including destruction as an excuse to praise God. God is sovereign and everything that happens is God's will---Allow me to, respectfully differ. The word says to give to Cesar what is Cesar and to God what is God's. Jesus said that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy but I (Jesus) come to give life abundantly. ( John 10:10) Jesus wants us to have life in our health, finances, relationships, etc.
The key word to see in Hab 3:18 is joy. Joy is a fruit of the spirit. Joy can be expressed in a shout, dance or even laughter among other things. (PS 126:1-2/Ps 149:3/Ps 32:11) Joy is a powerful weapon. Even Job in the midst of suffering knew about this power. He said that in the midst of corruption and famine to laugh. ( Job 5:22) Why? If you read the end of the book of Job, you will find that God restored unto him double for his trouble.(Job 42:10) Joy is a powerful weapon.
So powerful is joy that God released it to set his people free from Egyptian captivity. (Ps 105:42-43) I, personally, believed that there were a remnant of Jews bringing into God's remembrance his covenant with his people. As God heard the words of his covenant being lifted up in prayer, he unleashed his force of joy upon his people and made them free. The best part is that none of them came out of the land broke or sick. (Ps 105:37) The word feeble is translated from the Hebrew as sick.
What about you, friend? Are you in captivity? Have you been frustrated regarding your prayers? Unleash the power of joy in your life. You are in covenant with God. God is laughing at your enemies, so it is time to laugh along with him and see his power at work! (Ps 2:4)
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