Monday, January 23, 2023

The House of Mystery! (Animation included)

Are you in a house of Mystery? Is life's problems getting too much to handle. Wisdom has built her house. Lady Wisdom wants to help. Move out from your house into the house of Wisdom. 

In the house of Wisdom, you will find what you need. The Bread and the Wine will help guide you through Life's toughest problems. Get wisdom, get understanding. Learn what eating and drinking will do for you. It will give you the answers for life's toughest problems. 

I have enclosed a link so you can apply the Bread and the Wine to get the answers you need. The only requirement is that you are born again. If you are not and want to be, click the first link below. If you are, click the second and third link and do this on a daily basis. God's power will be released on you in a big way.