Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A study on the book of Revelation---Part 2


                                             Do you know you can be blessed today? 

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. (Rev 1:3)

Greetings. In our last study, we discussed how love played an important part in the Apostle John’s life.  It managed to deliver him from the fear of man. Arrested, he was brought before a crowded Coliseum. His enemies wanted to make an example of him. They poured boiling oil over his body but God had the last say. He was delivered and this caused a massive outpouring of souls into the kingdom.

Frustrated at this event, the Romans exiled him to Patmos in the hope that he would meet his doom. Again, God had the last word. His protection was upon him. Living in a cave, God showed him what would happen in the end times. Love is powerful.

It is a fruit of the spirit and when unleashed, it can open a flood of blessings to us. Today, we are going to see how Revelation can be a book of blessings for us. How do we start getting blessed? It starts with the words…Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy.

Contrary to popular opinion, Revelation can be a book of blessings for us. Yes, it is gloom and doom for the wicked. For the Born-again believer, it is a book of blessings. The word says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Rom 10:17)

When you read and hear God’s word with an open heart, something happens. Faith starts to arise in your heart and will cause the impossible to become possible. It is just like the formula for water ( H2O). What happens when you mix Hydrogen and Oxygen? You get water. You get 2 elements that are unseen and mix them to get something tangible.

Likewise, it is the same with faith. God’s word (Unseen), along with our faith (Unseen) will cause his promises to become manifested in our lives (Deliverance, Healing, Prosperity, etc)  Now, I want to make it clear. I am not telling you that life will be a bed of roses. In fact, when you are standing on God’s promises, sometimes, things will get worse. John sets the record straight with this.

 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev 1:9)

John is our brother and companion in tribulations. Brethren, we are going to go through tribulations, testings, and afflictions. It is part of the package of salvation, but there is good news! God delivers us from all our afflictions. (Ps 34:19) In this book of Revelation, we are going to study the subject of the rapture of the church and the end times. So, please don’t miss it and lose your blessing.

Friend, Jesus is coming soon. Are you prepared? Don’t be left behind. Accept him as savior today! Enclosed below is a prayer of Salvation. Don't hesitate because today is the day of Salvation. 

Sinner's prayer---Dear Lord, I am a sinner. Forgive me for my sins. Come into my heart and make me a new creation. Your death, burial, and resurrection have now become mine. I accept you as Lord. I believe that God has raised you from the dead and I am saved! Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. I am born again and I will serve you the rest of my life!

Reprint courtesy of the Christian Corner community church. 

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